10 years ago


By: Susan Bachman West, Bachman’s executive director of perishable operations

It’s hard to let go of the glorious smells, sights and beautiful blooms in summer landscapes, but thankfully we have more beauty waiting just around the corner: Garden mums!

Chrysanthemums, more commonly referred to as mums, are the star of autumn with their tight, mounded habit (meaning they grow vertically and horizontally, creating a rounded appearance) and stunning amount of blooms on each individual plant. 

Because of their late-season blooming they’re well suited to replace any wilting annuals you may have in your yard or containers. These flowers last for months, not days, and come in more than 40 varieties, showcasing numerous colors and shapes to illuminate your space. They’re groomed by Bachman’s right in Farmington to start shining late August through the fall.

An added bonus: Mums are hardier plants and can often withstand a little frost. That means the dramatic color impact you create should carry you through harvest season. 

How to Decorate

For full effect, stick to one or two colors in mass planting that compliment the rest of your landscape, or try transitioning gradually with similar colors. Yellow, white, bronze and red mums are particularly glorious when focusing on decorating for Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Mums can shine on their own in containers, or include some other fall all-stars like kale, celosia, and grasses, for added effect.

Planting and Care Tips

When it comes to planting, pick a location that receives a good amount of sun and has well-drained soil. Don’t miss the regular watering, just like you would in summer (watch for wilting).  Water the soil about 1” each week and skip fertilizing if the buds are already showing color.

Don’t miss the vibrant star of fall to make your outdoor space simply mum-entous! Garden mums grown by Bachman’s can be found in the outdoor display at all Lunds and Byerly’s stores.