8 years ago

5 new ways to serve cranberry sauce

Who says cranberry sauce has to be stuck as a side dish? Here are five delicious recipe ideas that feature cranberry sauce front and center!

  1. For breakfast: Heat equal parts cranberry sauce and L&B Pure Maple Syrup and top pancakes, waffles or French toast.
  2. As an appetizer: Stir cranberry sauce with a bottle of barbeque sauce and bake with frozen meatballs for a tasty appetizer.
  3. As a cocktail: Stir into Prosecco and add an orange slice.
  4. As a condiment: Heat cranberry sauce and spoon over a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich.
  5. For dessert: Mix cranberry sauce with a tablespoon of orange liqueur and grated orange peel to make a dessert sauce. Spoon over cheesecake, poached pears or apple pie.